Professor Park, Hyung-joo of the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Catholic University Seoul St. Mary's Hospital of Korea, recently took time at Massachusetts General Hospital which is a Harvard University hospital in Boston and Boston Children's Hospital to spread his latest knowledge into safe and effective surgical methods for concave breast surgery developed by him.
The Pectus excavatum are congenital deformities of the cartilage and ribs that are innately connected to the breastbone, a fairly common disease that occurs in about 1 in 1,000 people, and if left untreated, they become susceptible to infections such as pneumonia and slow growth. It is a disease that is likely to have emotional shock during puberty. Although Nuss surgery (Pectus Excavatum Surgery) was first developed in the United States, it has not been able to overcome the problems of existing surgical methods and has not achieved good surgical results.
Professor Park, Hyung-Joo has developed new techniques and instruments to completely overcome the surgical failure due to the displacement of the calibration bar, and has developed the original 'Park's Technique' by creating a surgical method to restore the distorted rib cage to its normal form. Professor Park, who is currently operating about 70% of patients with pectus excavatum in Korea, has over 5,000 pectus excavatum / pectus carinatum surgeries, including about 3,200 rod insertions and 2,500 rod removals in the past 20 years. The number of surgeries is recorded. The lecture was arranged by medical professionals from America with a desire to recognize the excellence and safety of Professor Park, Hyung-joo's surgical methods and solve their own problems. Professor Park gave a lecture on safe and effective surgical methods that overcome various difficulties, and how to correct crooked breasts with the normal thorax, and presented a future new pectus excavatum surgery. The response to the new technology was explosive.
Dr. Mathison, a major cardiothoracic surgeon in the U.S., also attended the lecture to pay tribute, and later moved to another room at the request of further discussion, and was able to satisfy some of the questions and answers between them. To the top U.S. medical professionals, Park's surgical method has been a subject of great interest and study, and has told them that continued exchanges and cooperation are needed for the future of chest wall deformities correction surgery. Professor Park, Hyung-joo said, 'It was a meaningful lecture that has come to recognize and pass on our surgical methods better than the American medical staff who have the world's best Pride.

It's a small area, but I've become proud that our medical standards are on par with the United States, sometimes better,' he said. 'I will continue to increase international exchanges to spread good surgical methods and do my best to really help patients.'He expressed his feelings. He has developed theories and techniques on 32 patients specific surgical method, including the theory of multiple deformable pectus excavatum / pectus carinatum surgeries for the first time, such as asymmetric surgery method, adult pectus excavatum surgery, and pectus carinatum surgery, and has also taken the lead in overseas dissemination and exchange of medicine by demonstrating surgery to doctors at home and abroad.